Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In the meantime...

I shouldn't be so concerned with making a nursery because this is what the second bedroom currently looks like:

We got a new (KING SIZED) bed this weekend so the old bed is currently on top of/around the bed in the second bedroom. Anyone want a three-year-old Select Comfort queen sized bed?

Also, this is what I looked like last Wednesday.

Nursery Thoughts

Let's be honest...this has officially turned into a baby blog. Oh well!

I can't decide between green or yellow for the room. Specifically, I am very obsessed with gray/yellow right now.

These are the colors that I was originally interested in:
I think the circular crib and flamingo thing are weird but I really liked the green/brown/white combo.
I was also obsessed with this ridiculous pewter crib.

Let's play a game called "my kid doesn't need this crib", ok? I won't even tell you what it costs but I would have gotten a hefty discount because of my stepmother's job. It would still be expensive even with the discount. Ick. Also, I'm pretty sure that a METAL crib is not the best idea.

Surprisingly, Mike really liked it a lot too. I was pretty sad to walk out of the store without it!

So moving on, I think I've abandoned the green room and pewter crib for yellow and gray (or grey, if you prefer your tea or your cats to be British).

So here is my new color obsession:

I wouldn't go with the super dark gray but I do like the idea of a lighter gray (like the side walls in the picture). I think it's nice and calming.
Also, the crib in these pictures is from Ikea. Impressive! I was definitely skeptical of buying a crib from there but it seems that most people are very happy and the safety features are pretty impressive (thanks, CCBL!!!).
So grey/yellow/white or green/brown/white? What do you think? Also, thoughts on the Ikea crib?
Also, thanks to KLG for sending me to a great decorating website with lots of photos!!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

There you are!

Well, I'm pretty sure that this is not a hysterical pregnancy since I started feeling the baby move on Tuesday afternoon! I wasn't sure for a few days but it's pretty obvious now. YAY!

Today is the 20 week mark - yay for halfway there! This was the picture that I got in this week's email...I'm pretty sure that my child is a bit lower but I'd say this is fairly accurate as to where I am feeling the kicks...aka RIGHT ON MY BLADDER!!! :)

I may have actually told my long-awaited child to "quit it" yesterday. I'm a really sweet momma, apparently.

Also, I'm entirely too lazy to edit out "your baby is practicing swallowing" and "click for the big picture" out of the image.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I wish I could think of a pun about backs.

Soooo...in my last post, I complained that my back hurt. I thought I had just slept on it funny so I tried massage, acupuncture and heat...no resolution so I finally went to the doctor today.
Turns out that my rotator cuff injury from 2007 has come back to haunt me.* The muscle under my right scapula is apparently visibly larger than the left. The only problem is that I am no longer allowed to use excessive amounts of heat, cortisone injections or prescription pain relievers (or muscle relaxers).
Anyway, I'm off to Physical Therapy 2x/week for the next 4 weeks - that should fix it! I'm slightly disappointed that there wasn't a quick fix but I'm definitely relieved that there is a solution!
* I should say that the injury is only mildly "haunting" me...I feel worse for Mike who has to listen to LOTS of whining and is now responsible for basically all physical work in our home. Oooops!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Lots of venting

Need to vent/complain....

1. We were supposed to have new windows installed on Wed and Thurs. However it was too cold yesterday so they are finishing them today. I am hiding out in the basement. I am irritated because I cancelled lunch plans today because all I wanted to do was nap/relax (my back hurts) and instead I had to get dressed before 9am on my day off. Wahh, life is SO hard for me!

2. I get irritated when people have a long-standing problem and don't do ANYTHING about it. We all know that I had a hard time getting pregnant. It sucked and I was sad and depressed. There were plenty of times when I felt like I would never have children. BUT I always had a future plan...I took medications, I drank gallons of decaf green tea, I did acupuncture, etc... I had three doctors with a medical plan...and if that failed, I had two adoption seminars lined up for this autumn. Just do something!!

Ok, I guess it's obvious that I've never been actually clinically depressed. Also, I'm apparently not compassionate.

3. A lot of people are telling me that I'm having a boy because I haven't gained weight in my face. This is sort of a half-assed compliment.

4. I used to consider myself pretty good with babies. I was really good at swaddling, calming, etc...somehow I have lost this skill. I don't know if it is related to working in the ICU or struggling to get pregnant but either way, it's not very good timing!

5. I get nervous when people make baby plans before the 12 week ultrasound. I worry that they will get too hopeful and then be disappointed. Conversely, I am now 18 weeks pregnant and I haven't done anything. Ooops.

6. My husband is fantastic. That is a whole other post. Let's just say that I am no longer mad about the "Whoa. Preggers!" comment.

7. I have photos from the 18 week ultrasound last week! They are a bit boring but I will scan them.

6 and 7 weren't really "venting"...darn. I will have to work on my pessimism.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

If you're so upset, tell the internet

Two things my husband said to me yesterday...

1. He walked by while I was changing into my pajamas and says "WHOA. Preggers!"...about two seconds later, he says "You look beautiful!" but really in those two seconds, I almost killed him.

2. A dialogue:
JSinP: blah blah blah, something about getting stuff done before the baby comes...
M: It's okay. We have six months!
JSinP: Ummm, no, we have five months.
M: No, it's mid-December and the baby is coming in mid-May so that's...oh...shoot....that's five months.
JSinP: Yeah.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

If you're curious...

...this is what I look like lately:
At least this is what I look like when smirking and posing in Au Bon Pain in the middle of a workday.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Comment Commentary

I have to respond to a few of your comments from my last few posts:

1. I deleted a comment that mentioned my last name. Sorry!
2. Gange's posts about Christmas gifts were surprisingly right on.
3. I was at Logan Airport yesterday for the world's fastest and stupidest trip and I bought Good Housekeeping on Meghan and CCBL's suggestion. Ummm, it was great!!!!!!!!! I am fully committing to the fact that I am now in the appropriate age demographic for it. Wow.

And some other comments:

1. My FB wall is still blocked. I don't know if this bothers anyone but Meghan.
2. I ordered a ton of maternity clothes because I am sick of squeezing into tight clothes. I want to breathe!
3. After a huge rainstorm, it is now 60 degrees and gorgeous outside.
4. Mike's fancy holiday party is in two weeks. I guess I should go try on my dresses and see what fits. I'm assuming that they will fit because they are all sort of loose.
5. For those that don't know, I am mildly obsessed with dresses. This may come as a shock since I never WEAR dresses.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can't we just do gift amnesty?

I need some suggestions for Christmas gifts. Ideas? Here’s my list:

- My parents – I think we’re all set for them. We bought them a calendar from an artist friend (who I won’t mention here because I’m afraid it will make the blog google-able – but the info is in the image!) and I think we’re going boring this year – kitchen stuff, new cordless phones, etc…
- Mike’s parents – calendar and NO EARTHLY IDEA. Help!
- My grandmother – oy. No idea. Maybe a new phone?
- My grandfather – probably nothing. He lives in a nursing home and told me he doesn’t need anything (this is kind of true).
- 18 year old cousin (boy) - gift card to somewhere???
- Cousins – either individual gifts or group gifts for the siblings:
o Siblings - almost 7 year old girl and 3 year old girl
o Siblings - 3 year old boy and 2 year old boy

Please share your thoughts! I need help!
I'm bummed that I won't be spending Christmas this year with these characters:

You might want to click on it to get the full awesomeness of the 80s.

I need a new magazine

I need a new magazine...something a little craft-y, a little homey but not too "housewifey". Suggestions?

As you know, we already get a lot of magazines so I have some opinions:

- I can't stand Rachael Ray.
- I want some nice articles about cute gifts for people or trendy/inexpensive clothes for me.
- I like articles about women's health issues.
- I want some nice recipes for relatively healthy meals. While I love Martha, her recipes are too lengthy for a normal Tuesday night dinner; Real Simple's recipes are too...well, too simple.
- Self and Glamour are great but they don't have anything too crafty/homey.
