Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Kindle

I had the opportunity to play with CCBL's Kindle in MN. Here are my thoughts.

- dude, it weighs like NOTHING. Imagine going on vacation - you can bring ten books with no worries!
- I'm sure it eliminates clutter on your bedside table.
- you can download books instantaneously. That is pretty awesome. In fact, CCBL found out that she was having twins (yay) and immediately bought a book while waiting for the OBGYN.

- I think it's a lot of money (too lazy to actually look this up).
- I like to flip back and reread certain pages - it might be hard to do this on the Kindle.
- the "books" cost $15 apiece
- I'm a big fan of the library and rarely buy books.

So while I don't think it's worth it for ME, I can definitely see the appeal.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I took the GRE this morning and I feel that I can FINALLY relax...well, until I have to worry about applications...and then actual schoolwork. What am I thinking?????????????? :)

Anyway, my gardens look like craaaaaaap so let's focus on KLG's instead. She built a cool box garden earlier this year. It has been very productive!

Isn't that incredible?!?!? And here is her harvest for just ONE DAY last week:


When I get around to it, I'll post pictures from my topsy-turvy. Everything else (including the hydrangea) died while we were on vacation. Also, next week, I'm going to take some pictures at the acupuncturist's office.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Props to Virginia

Oh boy, Virginia has some new doozies from my old hospital:

Desmonde Tutu
Elvis (a girl)
Little John
Queetia Paradise
Siblings: Marqueisha, Markeisha, Markella, Marche, Marcus, Markell, Marnisha and Jamarr Marquette

Twins: Major and Minor (I think I listed that one earlier)

I am not even going to spellcheck this post. Something tells me that "Sirjerome" will not be in the dictionary.