Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I took the GRE this morning and I feel that I can FINALLY relax...well, until I have to worry about applications...and then actual schoolwork. What am I thinking?????????????? :)

Anyway, my gardens look like craaaaaaap so let's focus on KLG's instead. She built a cool box garden earlier this year. It has been very productive!

Isn't that incredible?!?!? And here is her harvest for just ONE DAY last week:


When I get around to it, I'll post pictures from my topsy-turvy. Everything else (including the hydrangea) died while we were on vacation. Also, next week, I'm going to take some pictures at the acupuncturist's office.

1 comment:

  1. Please please please take a self portrait when you have the needles in you. That would be awesome!!! Thank you, in advance.
