Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Kindle

I had the opportunity to play with CCBL's Kindle in MN. Here are my thoughts.

- dude, it weighs like NOTHING. Imagine going on vacation - you can bring ten books with no worries!
- I'm sure it eliminates clutter on your bedside table.
- you can download books instantaneously. That is pretty awesome. In fact, CCBL found out that she was having twins (yay) and immediately bought a book while waiting for the OBGYN.

- I think it's a lot of money (too lazy to actually look this up).
- I like to flip back and reread certain pages - it might be hard to do this on the Kindle.
- the "books" cost $15 apiece
- I'm a big fan of the library and rarely buy books.

So while I don't think it's worth it for ME, I can definitely see the appeal.


  1. In support of the Kindle:

    It costs somewhere in the range of $300. When I think of all the trees I'm saving -- it's a small price to pay. ;-)

    It's equally easy to flip back on the kindle. You can either select an area to go back to, or just use the previous page button to flip back. You can also highlight, take notes, look up words right there with the instant dictionary, and have it read to you with the text to speech feature (which I just used in the car while I was driving and didn't want to stop reading the new Jennifer Weiner book).

    Books actually cost $9.99 for the most part. Sometimes they go on sale. They are $15 for books that are only out in hardcover. Once they are released in paperback they go down to $9.99.

    The library is still cool.

  2. too lazy to look up how much a kindle costs?? ser?

    Hold on a second. You typed this statement as you were using your computer to write your blog on the internet.

    So going to google and typing "kindle price" was too taxing?!

    On another note, people still read books??

  3. it is too much money.

    yet you do have a stupid amount of clutter bedside.

  4. If this comment actually goes through I'm going to be so excited.

    CPW just got one and he loves it, but I personally love the feel of an actual book. Same issue with newspapers - I know I can read the same articles on line, but it's not the same.
