Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More Names

So I guess this is just a baby name blog now, hmmmm? I got nothing else: Mellonee Philasia Ziporah Phoenyx Chrispin Hmmm, what else? Let's see - my sweet baby is now two (as you all know because I'm pretty sure no one but three people are reading this) and she's so funny. I just love her. Today she chose fruit over a chocolate chip pancake. She also was very amused by an underground parking garage (MOMMA! CAR INSIDE!)but had zero interest in a playground with a splash pad. Weirdo.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Best Baby Names

Ahhh, someone just summarized all of VA's hard work. Here you go - http://deadspin.com/5924827/american-baby-names-are-somehow-getting-even-worse I'm going to continue to be proud that my kid has a normal name. Also, I have so many posts brewing at all times - mostly related to my hair and child-rearing tips - but I never commit. Sorry!! Also, where did the spell check go in blogger? Grrrrrrrrrrr.

How she feels about the Pavlik