Thursday, March 25, 2010

Coming together, slowly but surely

Putting together the bookshelf:

Putting together the crib:

Putting together the crib with a fake smile: Looking a little stressed - thankfully this is the closet door in the living room and NOT a crib:

Monkey at the top of the finished bookshelf:

The baby's book collection, courtesy of Auntie PC - one for every month of gestation!


Oh blogger. Why can't you post pictures in the order that I post them?

My MIL hosted a shower for us (oh, ooops, did I not invite any of you? Nope.)

Favors - cookie lollipops with our photos (can you guess which is me and which is M?):
While tossing stuff in the baby's room, I came across my LIGHT-UP tiara from my bachelor (edit - bachelorette) party in Vegas. Oh it's classy! Also, post-haircut.
Last week (31 weeks and 5 days, I think). Also pre-haircut apparently.
I don't ever write anything anymore - I just post photos.
Coming next week:
- CCBL's Box O' Loot
- KLG's artistic gift
- Pictures of us working on the nursery (warning: there are a lot of fake smiles)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

This is for Kelly

Someone has a good opinion of his appearance...he told me last week that he was looking REALLY GOOD and getting a lot of attention from the ladies because he had parted his hair differently.

And then Kelly and I mocked him mercilessly. It was awesome.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Photos from last week...out of order.

My mother-in-law asked to see pictures of the finished nursery. HARDY HAR HAR. Unfortunately she wasn't joking. Oh well. I sent her this.

The fan installed by my dad!

Mike and my dad working hard on putting up the fan. Also my dad kind of freaked when I took this photo. Apparently a flash going off when people are working with electricity can be frightening. Ooops.
Me at 30 weeks in my gym clothes.
That was last Monday. I've done nothing of note since then (ummm, except not eat solids for three days - thanks, Norovirus!). So not eating and not exercising - Mother of the Year.
Also, I obviously don't know how to put photos up in order today.

Friday, March 5, 2010

If you can't say anything nice....

Let's get the dying baby story off the top of the blog, shall we? New topic...

I've found that walking around with a bump means that people feel they can freely offer advice and opinions about pregnancy, deliveries and childrearing. They also feel free to offer opinions about weight gain and rub my belly (and we all know I don't like overtouching).

Maybe it's because I work with a lot of women...I have approximately 75 colleagues between my two positions and I'd say that 60+ of them are women. In addition, many of them are women in their mid50s which seems to be the prime age for comments.

My friend AMW says it is just a rite of passage...she's right but I still am taken aback when someone walks by and offers up an opinion. I'm sure I did the same thing before I got pregnant so I'd like to offer a blanket apology to my friends - you all looked gorgeous then and now!

So without further adieu, here are my favorite pregnancy comments (some mine, some others):
1. Are you sure you're not having twins? I think this is a pretty common one - another variation - are you sure there is only one in there?
2. You're having a girl because your face and ass have gotten bigger.
3. You're having a girl because you're really round all over (ha ha, this was to me - I told the woman that I was round and fat pre-pregnancy so then she got all flustered and said she wasn't saying I was fat)
4. You have another ten weeks to go? No way! Variation of this: you have ANOTHER three months??????
5. WHOA! Your girls are huge - you need to put on your coat!
6. Still here? you're ready to pop!
7. You're going to spoil your child.
8. Don't hold your child too much.
9. You should use a pacifier.
10. You shouldn't use a pacifier.

So here's my new rule: I'm limiting myself to simple phrases only. Namely "you look GREAT!".