Monday, April 11, 2011

Inside joke

Today was the first time that I really saw my daughter's wicked sense of humor. I already knew she was a good-natured kid (it feels great when people say they've never heard her squawk) but I didn't know if she was "funny" yet.

Sidenote - being funny is very important to me and my husband. We have frequently had arguments about which one of us is funnier. If you don't think it's me, shut your mouth.

Anyway...the husband had taken down the baby gates last night so there was easy access to the kitchen from the living room (where we were playing). The baby knows I don't like her in the kitchen alone (big appliances, staircase to the basement, unsteady bookcase - pick your poison) and I had already given her a few little warning noises as she inched her way closer to the kitchen. She finally crawled her way into the kitchen and then full on sat down and looked back at me with a dare in her big brown eyes. The nerve! So I chased (okay, crawled) after her and she laughed and laughed and laughed. She didn't even care about being in the kitchen - she just wanted me to know that she could do it AND she wanted me to chase after her.

That kid - she is more than I could have hoped for.

(MEG - I hope you don't mind I ended in a preposition)


  1. Or is it CCBL who cares about prepositions?

  2. All I care about is JSinP put up a new post! Made my Monday! :)

  3. It's me who cares about the prepositions, but CBL may too.

    I just randomly clicked on your blog link tonight half laughing because I was sure you hadn't blogged lately (you promised you'd tell me when you did) and there are THREE posts. Three???

    That kid- she is more than I could have ever hoped to have. Would that have killed you to restructure your grammar a bit?
