Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Secret Food

Ok, I need some help...as you may know, I'm obsessed with tomatoes. I tasted something tomato-y and AWESOME this weekend but I can't figure out what it was.

We were at a rehearsal dinner this weekend at an excellent Italian restaurant in Lenox MA. The appetizers were served buffet-style on different tables. On this particular table was small slices of bread and then hummus, baba ganosh, olives, etc...very Mediterranean/Italian/Greek. In addition, there was a tomato mixture of goodness. What kind of tomato-y dish goes with those other dishes? It was sort of bruschetta-ish (supposed to go on the bread) but BETTER.

I can't even figure out the ingredients - something sweet? Balsamic vinegar? Tomatoes were definitely the main ingredient (no cheese, grain, etc...).

Please help - I can't stop thinking about it!

Sidenote: if you're ever looking for a good weekend excursion in the fall, I would definitely recommend Lenox. The wedding was obviously the high point of the weekend but Lenox on its own would have been pretty great too!


  1. Absolutely no idea... but when one of your much more educated and worldly friends tells you what it is, will you please make it for me??

  2. You know, I would seriously just call the restaurant and ask. I do that kind of stuff. I would even be so bold as to ask for the recipe.
