Monday, November 15, 2010

More Quick Thoughts

1. I can't believe no one commented on my last post. I still need advice on getting rid of a giant pillow.

2. My baby is almost six months. How is that possible? Also, I think I need a nap/eating schedule for a six month old. I have no idea how to frame our day. Any advice?

3A. One of my friends (who is half-Asian) swears that my daughter looks Asian in certain photos. I tend to agree.
3B. Somewhat related - my friend sent me a link the other day to a mom's group in town. I thought it was weird since there is a HUGE mom's group here (like over 1000 families) and I didn't see the point of a little one. Anyway, I just joined because I figured that it wouldn't hurt to have more activities over the winter and I see this testimonial - "We are excited to be a part of the group. C is 15 months old and loves to walk everywhere. He is a happy and active boy that likes to explore. We look forward to meeting other Asian kids soon." Wait, what?????

4. I am going to TX for a wedding on New Year's Day (no husband, no baby). I'm trying to decide if I should wean the baby beforehand so that I don't have to deal with pumping while away or if I should continue breastfeeding...I'm going to play it day-by-day now. I figure she's now been BF x 6 months so at least Giselle Bundchen will be happy (ha, I totally stole that joke from AMW). Also, I've been supplementing with formula since day one.

5. The baby is super distracted lately while eating - someone recommended a nursing necklace. Is this useful???


  1. That really is crazy that she is almost 6 months! I never had a great solution to the distracted baby nursing. I do remember it went away eventually though. Thanks for the shout out! :)

  2. I have no helpful advice, but #3B - hahahahahaha :)
