Monday, November 1, 2010

Pet Peeve

I went to Target last night and they were taking down the Halloween stuff and putting up the Christmas stuff. Did you think that would be my pet peeve? Nope - I figure anything after November 1st is fine.

My pet peeve is that I can't stand when people spell Christmas as "Xmas". I feel that it kind of misses the point about Christmas, hmmmm? Also, now that I've typed "Christmas" numerous times, I kind of can say that it's hard to type. But still...

Another pet peeve is when someone says "ugh, I think (kind of food) is GROSS. I would never eat it. It smells like poo"...when I'm in the middle of eating that food. I appreciate your opinion - could you wait until I don't have the poo-food in my mouth?

ok, I'm feeling better now. Onto daydreaming about Christmas!!!

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