Sunday, October 25, 2009


I think this is my last gardening email of 2009!

- I finally planted crocus and hyacinth bulbs this morning. Yay! There is a good chance that I'm allergic to something since I haven't stopped sneezing/itching since I started planting them. This also happened on Friday in the car on the way home from buying them. Oy. Oh well, they will smell pretty in the spring - even if I won't appreciate them because my nose is so stuffed.
- The store was out of daffodil bulbs. I didn't think it was worth going elsewhere for more.
- Bulbs are dirt-cheap. Get it? "Dirt-cheap"???? Ha ha.
- I finally took down the 2nd Topsy Turvy. The green tomatoes were never going to redden. Grrr. What were other people's experiences with tomatoes in New England this summer?
- I should have brought the basil inside two weeks ago.
- I planted an old squash this morning. This is a Tony trick. Let's see if it works.

Gardening updates are boring. I need to find some Benadryl. Also, I need to make cottage cakes for my handsome husband.


  1. My experience with tomatoes this summer was......maddening. I got these teeny tiny little pukey ones. Sometime in mid-September I gave up and dumped the plants in the "yard waste" bucket while yelling, "what good are you??". Also - what is the recipe for cottage cakes?!?!?! :)

  2. My experience with tomatoes this summer was that they absolutely sucked.

    I ripped my plants out in Sept when it became clear that none of the tomatoes were going to ripen. They all had rot on a part of them.

    Apparently laurae10 and I had similar garden frustrations.
