Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15th

I'm not sure why but I won't allow myself to turn on the heat until Oct 15th. Basically we've been freezing for two weeks. Poor Mike - I'm a cover hog so he had to grab a blanket from the basement couch recently to keep covered. Hee hee.

ANYWAY!!!! The heat is now on and I am so happy.

Also, my brother was stinking cute this morning when he called. I'll have to write about it later.

The plants are all done (although the hydrangea is actually GROWING) and now I've just got some mums and pumpkins by the front garden. I need to plant daffodil bulbs asap if I want them for the spring. I don't really have anything else to write about! Suggestions?


  1. Suggestions:

    1 - What kind of freaks build a homemade helium balloon made of tin foil in their backyard?

    2 - Who names their kid Falcon?

  2. The open windows on Sunday may not have helped the general chill indoors :)

  3. I am with Gange, those are 2 very good topic suggestions!
