Sunday, November 29, 2009

When did this happen?

Last weekend, I wore my favorite jeans on both Saturday and Sunday. No worries...they zipped up in the am and, although they were a little tight by the evening, they fit fine. I definitely noticed that my clothes fit differently but they FIT so I didn't really care.

On Monday and Tuesday, I wore scrubs.

On Wednesday, I woke up and pulled on my jeans. Ummmmmmmmmmm....they no longer zipped painlessly. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? In three days????? I could zip and button them WITH GREAT EFFORT but it wasn't a pretty sight.

So this happened:

This is really not a good look for anyone (I'm just sayin')...I think it's time to accept the weight gain and buy some maternity pants.

I didn't think the body changes would bother me so much (it's for a VERY GOOD cause...also, let's face it, I was already significantly overweight) but it is really a strange feeling to be eating fairly well and exercising but still have an evergrowing pooch.


  1. I love that you posted this! I picture Baby Fuller in there stretching out a little bit and going "ah! little more room, that's better!" You're a beautiful pregnant woman!

  2. Helen... get the panel pants. You will wonder why you waited so long. They are so flippin' comfy. I will miss them when I'm done with this business. Please feel fortunate... I was in maternity pants at 12 weeks with Brady, 10 with Ollie, 8 with Parker, and I grew out of my pants before I peed on a stick with these here twins. I'd say you're doing pretty well!!!

  3. Caroline Castellan-StoneNovember 29, 2009 at 11:06 PM

    HAF I **loved** the maternity jeans with a stretchy layer that went all the way up, up, up, and OVER my belly. They were so body-stocking-like and fabulous. Come to think of them, I didn't loan them to Beth because they were too short on her!!! Want to borrow?
