Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I need a new magazine

I need a new magazine...something a little craft-y, a little homey but not too "housewifey". Suggestions?

As you know, we already get a lot of magazines so I have some opinions:

- I can't stand Rachael Ray.
- I want some nice articles about cute gifts for people or trendy/inexpensive clothes for me.
- I like articles about women's health issues.
- I want some nice recipes for relatively healthy meals. While I love Martha, her recipes are too lengthy for a normal Tuesday night dinner; Real Simple's recipes are too...well, too simple.
- Self and Glamour are great but they don't have anything too crafty/homey.



  1. All the magazines that I think best fit your parameters have shut down. Domino, Cookie. I'm a fan of Cooking Light and Everyday Food. Sunset is also very good, although there isn't much on women's health. Also, it's about "Western Living," which NH most assuredly is not.

  2. Good Housekeeping! I've been getting it every month for the past 6 years (and I used to read my Mom's all the time before that). It fits all your requirements. You'll like it, I promise.

  3. I have to second Meghan Gange's suggestion. I am guessing that your impression is that Good Housekeeping is too "housewifey," but I'd encourage you to give it a shot. I LOVE it!!!

    At the least, sneak a peek at your next doctor appointment without shame and once you see how much you love it, you won't be able to live without it!

  4. MAKE IT MARTHA STEWART!!! You get gardening and cooking and crafts and sometimes decor or fashion all wrapped up in every issue. I can't get enough. And she's the opposite of Rachel Ray, who BTW I can't stand either. She makes me angry.
