Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In the meantime...

I shouldn't be so concerned with making a nursery because this is what the second bedroom currently looks like:

We got a new (KING SIZED) bed this weekend so the old bed is currently on top of/around the bed in the second bedroom. Anyone want a three-year-old Select Comfort queen sized bed?

Also, this is what I looked like last Wednesday.


  1. Did an earthquake strike that bedroom?

  2. Helen:
    1. Have you considered contacting the A and E show, "Hoarders"? That room qualifies. :-)

    2. I want you Select Comfort bed. I wonder how much it would cost to ship it to the 612. I'd probably be better off just buying one.

    3. You look absolutely, positively, smashingly a-frickin-dorable!!!!! I finally got these babies out of me, and looked at that picture and got jealous. Figures.
