Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stupid purchase or medical miracle?

Yup, I bought this today. I am so sick of spring allergies and I heard that this might help.

I'm kind of scared/grossed out though.


  1. Okay, so I have one. I thought I was going to love it because of all the good I'd heard about it. For me, it was a disaster. It ended up making me more stuffed up in the long run. Maybe there's something wrong with my sinuses. Plus, I was so plugged up in the first place that I couldn't get the water to run through the other nostril. I hope you have success, but just know that if you don't, you are not alone. Our support group meets monthly.

  2. I have heard it's amazing, but have put off buying it, despite my allergy / sinus issues. Please post an update!!

  3. I've heard these are great but seriously, check out that picture! The girl has a stream of water coming out her OTHER NOSTRIL.

  4. Does it work? Cut the suspense.
